Once upon a time, there was a father telling his four sons to see the pear tree.
Seorang ayah menyuruh keempat anaknya ke hutan melihat sebuah pohon pir.
He told the first son to go on the WINTER,
Seorang ayah menyuruh keempat anaknya ke hutan melihat sebuah pohon pir.
He told the first son to go on the WINTER,
Anak pertama disuruhnya pergi pada musim DINGIN,
He told the second son to go on the SPRING,
He told the second son to go on the SPRING,
Anak kedua disuruhnya pergi pada musim SEMI,
He told the third son to go on the SUMMER,
He told the third son to go on the SUMMER,
Anak ketiga disuruhnya pergi pada musim PANAS,
He told the fourth son to go on the FALL,
Anak keempat disuruhnya pergi pd musim GUGUR.
He told the fourth son to go on the FALL,
Anak keempat disuruhnya pergi pd musim GUGUR.
And here're their opinions about the pear tree they saw
Dan inilah pendapat mereka tentang Pohon Pir yang mereka lihat,
The first son: "The pear tree looks so weird & ugly, its stem is bent."
The first son: "The pear tree looks so weird & ugly, its stem is bent."
Anak pertama : "pohon pir itu tampak sangat jelek & batangnya bengkok."
The second son: "The pear tree is filled with many buds."
The second son: "The pear tree is filled with many buds."
Anak kedua : "pohon itu dipenuhi kuncup-kuncup hijau yang menjanjikan."
The third son: "The pear tree is filled with many good fragrance flowers."
The third son: "The pear tree is filled with many good fragrance flowers."
Anak ketiga : "pohon itu dipenuhi dengan bunga-bunga yang menebarkan bau harum."
The fourth son had a different opinion, he said: "The pear tree is filled with beautiful ripen fruits."
The fourth son had a different opinion, he said: "The pear tree is filled with beautiful ripen fruits."
Anak keempat punya pendapat yang berbeda, ia berkata,"pohon itu penuh dengan buah yang matang dan ranum."
Then the father spoke: "All of you are truly right, no one is wrong! But what I want you to know is that each of you see in a different time!"
Kemudian sang ayah berkata: "kalian semua benar, hanya saja kalian melihat di waktu yg berbeda!"
The father continued to say: "From now on, never judge the life on one particular season only!"
The father continued to say: "From now on, never judge the life on one particular season only!"
Ayahnya berpesan: "Mulai sekarang jgn prnh menilai kehidupan hanya berdasarkan satu masa yg sulit"
When we face difficult times, everything may be out of hope, many failures, disappointments, but never too quick to blame yourself or others and even say how incapable you are, how stupid you are, or how bad luck you are.
When we face difficult times, everything may be out of hope, many failures, disappointments, but never too quick to blame yourself or others and even say how incapable you are, how stupid you are, or how bad luck you are.
Ketika kita sedang mengalami masa-masa sulit, segalanya terlihat tidak menjanjikan, banyak kegagalan, kekecewaan, jangan cepat menyalahkan diri dan orang lain bahkan berkata bahwa kita tidak mampu, bodoh dan bernasib sial.
Our every life is meaningful, has a value in God's eyes, there's no such a bad luck for all who believe. Do what you should do, and God will do His part for you...
Our every life is meaningful, has a value in God's eyes, there's no such a bad luck for all who believe. Do what you should do, and God will do His part for you...
Ditangan Tuhan hidup kita berarti, tidak ada istilah "nasib sial" bagi orang percaya.
Kerjakan yg menjadi bagian kita dan percayalah Tuhan akan mengerjakan bagian-Nya...
If we aren't patient enough in the winter, we will lose the spring & the summer which are promising many hopes, and there's no harvest to reap in the Fall.
Jika kita tidak bersabar ketika berada dimusim dingin, maka kita akan kehilangan musim semi n musim panas yg menjanjikan harapan, dan kita tidak akan memanen hasil dimusim gugur.
If we aren't patient enough in the winter, we will lose the spring & the summer which are promising many hopes, and there's no harvest to reap in the Fall.
Jika kita tidak bersabar ketika berada dimusim dingin, maka kita akan kehilangan musim semi n musim panas yg menjanjikan harapan, dan kita tidak akan memanen hasil dimusim gugur.
"Kegelapan malam tidak selamanya bertahan,
esok akan datang fajar yg akan mengusir kegelapan."
Have a Miracle Day...
Thx atas pencerahannya bro . . . beda kepala beda pemikiran, intinya kita harus menyikapi tiap permasalahan yg kita hadapi dengan bijak. Have a nice day !!
That's very true, Roes!
Thanks ya buat komen nya!~Hehehehehehehe.....
That's very true, Roes!
Thanks ya buat komen nya!~Hehehehehehehe.....
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